It is hard to think about the artificial heat while we are still in the middle of a boiling Gulf Coast Summer! However, fall and winter will be here before we know it and it’s a good idea to be prepared, look ahead, and discuss some common heating problems. Perform a trial heating run and make sure the heater is heating your space efficiently and quickly. Listen out for odd noises that could indicate a mechanical problem such as rattling and rumbling.

Lack of maintenance is a big cause of heating issues! When you live in a hot part of the country, it is easy not to pay attention to your heating system. Then, when it gets cold, and you need it to work, problems are found! Perform a yearly check and make sure the system is working before you need it! Check filters to make sure they are not dirty or clogged as this will reduce airflow and the furnace has to work harder to circulate heat.

Look over your heating unit and check for any obvious signs of wear and tear. This includes the thermostat as well. Is your ignition working and pilot control? If they are not, it can make it difficult to adequately heat a home or business. Listen for frequent cycling.  If the heating unit seems to be going on and off continuously, it can be a sign of a clogged filter, bad thermostat setting, and improper airflow.

This needs to be addressed, so the fan is not running all the time. This is the same for a blower that runs continuously, however it may mean an issue with the limit switch, and that is normally a job for professionals. If your troubleshooting still doesn’t get your heat up and running don’t hesitate to call a technician and have a maintenance check performed.