It is always recommended that you hire a professional, certified HVAC technician to inspect your HVAC system at least once a year. During the rest of the year there are a couple of maintenance tips you can follow to keep your system up and running.

Be sure to change your air filter, aim for every three months at a minimum. During the summer when your system is working harder, change it at least every six weeks. If your filter is dirty, your system has to work harder to move air causing stress and unnecessary wear and tear. This will lead to subpar performance and cause your system to break down sooner. Plus, who wants to breathe in low quality air? A fresh filter traps dust and mites helping people who suffer from allergies.

Once a month, take a look at your HVAC system. Do you notice any leaks? Dirty condenser coils or evaporator? Are the coils frozen? Is it making a sound it doesn’t normally make, especially during start up? Are there any lose or broken connections?  Are all moving parts well lubricated? Inspect the condensate drain and make sure it is not being obstructed in any way or showing signs of water damage. Catching these problems early on can help stop them becoming large expensive problems in the future.

Lower your thermostat a couple of degrees in the winter and higher in the summer. This will save premature wear and tear on your system. Plus, it will have a positive effect on your power bill. Consider installing a programmable thermostat you can control from your smart phone.

A little bit of preventative maintenance goes a long way in making sure your HVAC system will run efficiently and last for years to come.