The Christmas season is considered the most wonderful time of the year, and the holiday spirit is made special by colorful decorations and lighting. But the holiday decor is not just about the cheer since they can also pose threat to your HVAC system if used improperly.

Before you fill your home with decorations, read these tips first to protect your HVAC system:

Don’t Hide Your Vent

No matter how large your Christmas tree is or how many gifts take up space this season, don’t place them in front of your vent. Blocked air vent is equaled to blocked airflow. Free your vent from any obstruction so it can dispense a good amount of air in your home and let your unit work in good condition.

Keep the Outdoor Decoration from the Unit

Surely, you also want to place some Christmas tree, snowman, decorative lights, and other decorations outside your home. You have to be mindful of where you place them, though. Be sure you keep them away from your outdoor unit. As a rule of thumb, your unit should maintain a three feet clearance around it so it can work properly and efficiently. 

Don’t Cover the Thermostat

The more you hide your thermostat, the harder it gets for the device to read the temperature in your home. While it is tempting to cover the thermostat with decorations, doing so can just result in chilly home and higher utility bills. Simply let it shine together with your Christmas decorations.

Keep the Flammable Items Away

Objects like papers, blankets, and packages are flammable. They should be kept away from any heating sources such as electric blankets, heaters, radiators and other household equipment that emit heat to avoid fire hazards.

Schedule a Unit Inspection

One of the most overlooked resources for safety during the holidays is the professional HVAC services. Little problems due to wrong placement of decorations can sometimes go unnoticed until the system surprisingly breaks down in the middle of Christmas Eve. Have a professional HVAC specialist come to your home to check if your unit is in safe condition.

Seeing those beautiful decorations makes you realize that Christmas is indeed the happiest season of all! But make sure you place them appropriately to avoid safety and comfort issues.

Here at North Bay Heating & Air, we want to ensure that you stay warm and merry while celebrating a safe Christmas with your loved ones. Contact us if you need help with your HVAC system