There is more to spring than blooming flowers and bright sunny days.  It is also the season of unpredictable changes in temperature. Prepare your HVAC systems for this challenge and you can start by programming the thermostat correctly. Here are some tips to help you live a comfortable spring in your Biloxi, MS homes.

Set the Thermostat Based on Your Schedule

Transition from cold to warm temperature can also lead to changes of family schedules. Spring is the best time to rethink about your new timetables so you can adjust the thermostat setting based on it. If you are still using the traditional type of thermostat, we recommend you to do an upgrade as early as today for better control and savings.

Programmable thermostat allows you to program the temperature setting for each day. When everyone is out for work or soccer tournaments, you can set the temperature a bit higher and schedule it back to your preferred temperature when everyone arrives home.

Device an Efficiency Strategy

Unpredictable weather changes also happen in spring. When temperature changes, the tendency is to adjust the thermostat setting so you will feel more comfortable. But you cannot do this all the time, especially in the middle of the night or while you are away from home.  Good thing your programmable thermostat can do this for you. You can program the thermostat to your ideal temperature whatever time of the day.

With programmable thermostats, you can set the temperature setting based on occupancy or activity level. For instance, you can set the temperature at 78 degrees while you are at home and make it warmer when you are out for the day. This is proven truly effective to prevent wasted energy.

Pair Up With Smart Technologies

The challenge of bad weather and fast-changing temperatures can be conquered by your smart thermostats. These devices are paired with your smart phones and tablets so you can easily adjust the temperature and humidity level in your home when the weather unexpectedly shifted.

Smart thermostats help you manage the temperature even while away from home. It even gives you helpful updates on the local weather forecasts so you can accommodate whatever comes your way.

Is your home ready for the heat wave? Start by upgrading to programmable controls! Get in touch with the professionals at North Bay Heating and Air. We are serving the Biloxi, MS and nearby towns with quick and reliable HVAC services.